Sunday, January 16, 2011

Business in The Form of Kiss

The English Dictionary defines kiss as the act of pressing one’s lips against the lips or other body parts of another or of an object. It expresses sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and good luck, among many others. But in business KISS suggests a different meaning. Businessmen use KISS strategy on their prospecting. Aside from KISS they also use FORM. This article will explain – How KISS and FORM are use in Business.

If you were one of the businessmen who are engaged in a business like Multi-Level Marketing, People Referral, Network Marketing and other traditional businesses – you would have to plan some actions and designed them to achieve a particular goal. Your main goal is to become a successful businessman.

The life of your business will depend on your decision making and how you will work for it to hit success. Many of the successful businessmen who are engaged in Network Marketing business have applied the two most effective ways on their prospecting. They abusively used KISS and FORM to invite people.

In business the term KISS means – Keep It Short and Simple. Here you are advice – approach your prospects with a smile and be creative in inviting them. You can apply the direct approach by telling them that the business you are working is all about Extra Income or Part Time Job.

You can also apply through the Eye to Eye contact with the person you are talking to – if you see him smiling, expect it at least 80% he would become your recruit. Your next move is to ask his contact number and invite him to your office or you can set the date, time and place where to meet him.

You can also apply the Referral method or the so called (refer people) – here you can ask from people about those people who are looking part time job or full time job or people who are looking for extra income. Leave them you calling cards or your contact number. You can also apply Phone Invitation. There are a lot of them on your mobile phone. They could be your prospects too.

Aside from KISS, the businessmen also use FORM on their prospecting tactics. FORM here means – Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message. You are advice here to start your conversation with your prospect by asking him politely the following: How is your family? How is your job? How much you earn with your job? What keep you busy nowadays? Are you happy with your job? Do you have other options to earn extra income aside from your job? If your prospect answered YES to your last question, 90% he is your recruit and leave now the message to him like – Right now I am looking for a business partner. If you are interested, see me in my office or set the date, time and place to meet him.

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